Looking back to 09.11.2001 I remember being glued to the TV.  I remember holding my loved ones closer to my heart.  I remember praying for America, our Troops and our President with great fervor.  I remember praying for people I had never met who lost loved ones that the Prince of Peace would comfort them.  I remember my church being filled with people being drawn to church and prayer.   As you look back and remember today pray for America, pray for our Troops, pray for our President and pray for those who have lost loved ones, but not only on this day or when tragedy strikes but as often as you will.
I am grateful that my church offers many opportunities to gather and pray.  I attend a Tuesday morning and Thursday evening prayer group that faithfully every week prays for America.  If you are a church attender or not, pray for America, if you only say grace at meals, take a moment to pray for America, if you can't remember the last time you prayed today's a great day to start.  Talk to God just as you talk to a friend and pray.  Pray for our leaders (President, Vice President, Congressional Leaders, Supreme Court Justices, our Governor, Police & Fire Chief's, County officials, Pastors and Leaders of education) ask God to grant them wisdom to act with integrity.  Pray for our Military that they have courage and dependence on God.  Pray they have Divine protection and protection and support for the families they have left behind.  Pray for Chaplains who deliver hope and spiritual strength.

"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God."  
President George Washington 1789